Plugs and air filter


Active member
Well, i decided to check the air filter today before the group drive. (haven't checked it since i bought the car, dumb me)

THe thing was BLACK on the inside (the airbox side), then for the hell of it i pulled one of the plugs out.... +0.6 gap with white electodes....WELL that's not the way to go, I said and after a trip to Evergreen and few bucks later, i found myself putting brand new plugs and air filter in.

Hu'friggin'mongous difference, all of the hesitation, poor response, and other associated issues... gone. She drives like a brand new car now.

There just wanted to share my experience of being dumb and not checking everything after byuing a used vehicle

PS: Inski, how about those remote door openers? ;D



New member
Glad those things cured your hesitation issue. 8) Now get a K&N drop in air filter and discover MORE power. ;D

I have enough remote gutts to make 2 of them. I dont know when I'll be over your way. Maybe next meet, remind me.



New member
lobster do you need a keyless entry fob for your car?? i have two that i've been meaning to give back to joel. or are you talking about something completely different



New member
and.....lobstah discovers the value of....PERIODIC PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE!!!

congrats, most ppl don't learn this until the car has already blown up.




Active member
You're right NP. I couldn't get to it earlier for the reason of dumping a lot of dough into the brakes on the 96'Imp.

Hopefully the periodic preventatue maintenance from now on will be in direct relation to the income, meaning, if i make some money, dump a portion in the car

Inski: I'll be ok with the Subaru OEM filter for now, Short ram is going there eventually.

AkinaSpeedDemon: Yes the fobs are exactly what i''m talking about. Aparently i have the thingymagig in the car, but the lst owner didnt want to share the fobs. R u going on a group drive tomorrow?



i'd think about doing your fuel filter,plug wires,and pcv valve next



Active member
Thank you. I'll keep you in mind. I didnt forget the beer that i owe ya for helping me with the W/D. Next BBS Meet



New member
I had a hesitation problem also, so i changed pcv, plugs and wires. The wire to cyl 4 was pretty messed up and that's what my problem was, the connection to the plug wasnt good and the wire sort of came apart when i took it out. This was on a 00 rs with 83k
