Snow vs car = snow wins!


New member
I'd be happy to hear ya'll stories...

Here's mine: Snow chunk vs. bumper car = Snow Wins!!!

Mostly cosmetic damage, but it's just freakin annoying! I'll have to deal with the insurrance and all that later down the road since its gonna cost me a pretty penny to get the bumper replaced and all..

for the meantime, it'll be my 1st battle scar to be worn proudly!!! hahahaha

I think it happened when I ran over a nice big chunk of 'snow' a few days ago. Did i say I deliberately went for it thinking it was just a clump of fresh snow... thought it would be nice and fluffy and it would just pulverize as I went over it... despite the 'thunk' noise i heard... Guess it was harder than i thought! Lesson learn: Avoid big hunks of snow on the road if you can...

1) Lip cracked.

2) Lower bumper cracked.

3) Missing piece I had no idea could come off... I learned it's the 'tow eye cap cover'.



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New member
See the posts about the drift session last night. There was some carnage from the snow, I broke my last remaining fog light. License plate, lost the wheel well plastic guard, and my horn stopped working. This was all from one snow drift.



Well-known member
Moved a chunk of frozen snow with the yard truck earlier, bigger than the truck....broke a hydraulic ram

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I'm a hack
See the posts about the drift session last night. There was some carnage from the snow, I broke my last remaining fog light. License plate, lost the wheel well plastic guard, and my horn stopped working. This was all from one snow drift.
that's because you drove straight through a 3ft tall plowed up snow pile at like 40mph. that's not drifting.



New member
i did the same thing while playing in the snow a few days ago. as far as i can tell, i didnt see anything broken. i bet if it was on video, it would have looked cool, subie busting through a snow bank. thank goodness, this was all power and very plush.



Well-known member
So you were the one that did that. Mike and I saw the tracks onto the curb as I was drifting onto the curb. Stupid ice



New member
SO back from the dead...

It seems Maine winter and my front bumpers are not ennemies!

Noticed this yesterday in the wash bay... It's like the plastic got pulled out. I've tried putting the plastic piece back but with the cold, I can't tuck the piece and i fear the paint will chip or i'll make a bigger mess or crack. The crack seems to extend all the way down at this point. Good thing the lip holds it together!

Guess it'll have to wait until spring/summer to try and tuck it back and hopefully the crack won't get worst in the meantime.





Nothing has happened this winter but last winter (a few months after owning the car) I was an idiot and lost control and slipped off the road after taking a corner. Nothing damaged thankfully just a few clips that got yanked out. Winter tires FTW, lesson learned.




New member
I've taking my front bumper pretty much off 8 times this winter ... Next year iim deff taking the lip off

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