The Best Group B Video I've Ever Seen

Car Whore

New member
11 minutes, no music, pure sound. Starts off with my favorite clip and never lets up. Merry Christmas.


Nigel Prodrive

Dirt surfer
group B was pure total unmitigated (and quite possibly criminal) craziness. nobody is sure how many spectators got mowed over, but it was in the hundreds. And this is a "sport" ??!!

These Gp B retrospective vids might be a kick to watch, but they are also a one-dimensional view of days to which I say, "Good Riddance!"

From a spectator's perspective, the crowds and those crazy cars so close together are exciting. From a driver's perspective, that combination is the ultimate nightmare.

We will never see the likes of this again...a good thing.

Watching a Gp B car go by while standing literally IN the road, shchize, it makes the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona look like a Sunday church picnic.



N/A All The Way!!
All the other group b vids I have seen are of wrecks and the mishaps that Dave was mentioning...but there were some really good drivers who made it work for a while!



Active member
I totally agree with Dave, car-spectator relationship is as close to intimate as it will get without getting hurt, though some do cross the line...



New member
Every redneck with a no fear sticker in their truck should be forced to watch that video and then remove the sticker in shame.


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