The **Official**What color should I paint my garage thread


ok so have at it.

floor is grey with blue and white and something flakes. well it will be when I get the epoxy down.

no pink or cherry blossom red.






Active member
Outside, inside ...? Is it attached to a house?

We need more to work with!

Pics or GTFO



oh sorry guys..

inside. I will snag some pix tonight. I have been at the new place painting every night since Friday trying to get finished for this weekend so we can actually move in.


Nigel Prodrive

Dirt surfer

reflects light, looks clean, makes it easier to find stuff that's stuffed under other stuff, etc

light is right, light makes a safe workplace, makes it easeir to concentrate for longer periods of time, etc etc

plus...when you drop that ()*(&^&^%$#$@!! little widget nut washer connector whatever, you will have some prayer of finding its hiding place

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New member
if it is the floors, go to Lowe's and get the Quickcrete 1 or 2 part epoxy paint. They can mix most any color or it comes in a concrete color dark or light gray and white. I have used it many times before works great, just needs a 3/8 nap roller and 2 coats! don't forget to etch the concrete first. If it is the walls def. go white or an off white.



if it is the floors, go to Lowe's and get the Quickcrete 1 or 2 part epoxy paint. They can mix most any color or it comes in a concrete color dark or light gray and white. I have used it many times before works great, just needs a 3/8 nap roller and 2 coats! don't forget to etch the concrete first. If it is the walls def. go white or an off white.
I am using the grey Rustoleum solvent based 2 part epoxy.

that part looks good. the floor was degreased, shotblasted, then etched. so I don't think I will have any adhesion problems with it.

I figure in a couple years if it wears down I will do the pour method with some Ucoatit product.

the walls are my next project, but I think I am going to be doing some rewiring first. There was only one 15A run in the garage.. Between Brighton, my father, and me, a 20A run was made.

but I think a bit needs to be improved for it to be a "real" shop.

but at least I can get the floors done well before any cars or stuff gets dumped on it again.

*EDIT* Pix added here and at the top



