Valve stem replacement


Active member
Is it hard to do? Do i need any special tools, etc?

One of the valve stems broke off on the Brighton wheels, resulting in a nice flat tire and a bit of frustration...



New member
the valve core? (little metal piece inside the stem?)

If that's what broke, it's like 4 bucks at any auto part store for a valve core wrench that comes w/ a couple cores.



break the bead right by the stem and stick something in there so you can get your hand in and pull the stem out from the back.

get a new stem from any autoparts store and get a valve core tool looks like a mini 4way wrench. one end threads on to the end of the stem.

insert the new stem from the inside of the wheel and then thread the tool on to the end. then pull till seated. sometimes a little bit of soapy water helps.
