Vote "yes" on question 5


N/A All The Way!!
I agree with the Nailman's comments, even though I have never smoked.
As far as regulating it, once apon a time you could distill your own booze. Now it's regulated. And in certian areas of the country you can still get white lightning. That doesn't mean that the current laws governing the sale of alcohol are not working. Pot can, and will someday, be regulated just the same as alcohol.
Alcohol has been available and legal since it was "discovered". Prohibition was an attempt to clean up the country and failed like trying to switch to the metric system. Before prohibition though, getting a beer wasn't illegal like scoring some pot is today. Maybe I'm mistaken and legalized pot will become a reality, but I still don't see it happening.



New member
Alcohol has been available and legal since it was "discovered". Prohibition was an attempt to clean up the country and failed like trying to switch to the metric system. Before prohibition though, getting a beer wasn't illegal like scoring some pot is today. Maybe I'm mistaken and legalized pot will become a reality, but I still don't see it happening.
No offense, but before DuPont lobbied to have Hemp illegalized in the first place to limit competition to its petrolium based line of products, it was not illegal to smoke a pipe or roll a dube either. Even if it they were just to legalize hemp, we would open up new potential industries for chemicals and textiles. Not to mention the new tax base. It would also help open up pharmaceutical research. Hemp, MJ and Humans go back a long way. It's been theorized by serious archeologists that it was among the first plants to ever be cultivated by humans for, especially for medicinal purposes. The Romans even used it. BTW if you must know I am often referred to as a plethora of useless information.

-----Added 10/12/2009 at 09:47:39-----

Oh and by the way, I don't buy the argument that it makes you smarter. Only a high teenager who just picked up the habbit would say that (horrible time to pick it up). But I don't buy that it makes you permanently less intelligent either. I have met plenty of engineers, teachers and even met a NASA rocket engineer who all claimed to be everyday smokers. And I know my best teachers is High School always seemed like they were on somethin, heh.



N/A All The Way!!
No offense, but before DuPont lobbied to have Hemp illegalized in the first place to limit competition to its petrolium based line of products, it was not illegal to smoke a pipe or roll a dube either. Even if it they were just to legalize hemp, we would open up new potential industries for chemicals and textiles. Not to mention the new tax base. It would also help open up pharmaceutical research. Hemp, MJ and Humans go back a long way. It's been theorized by serious archeologists that it was among the first plants to ever be cultivated by humans for, especially for medicinal purposes. The Romans even used it. BTW if you must know I am often referred to as a plethora of useless information.
You're actually filling us in on some useful information! I'm just old fashion though and have never been interested in it and never got what was so great about it. I'm just going to vote with my conscience come November 3rd.



New member
Oh, and let us not forget the late, great Astrophysicist Carl Sagan, who brought us the 80's series "The Cosmos". Who, just after he died, it was revealed that he smoked everyday and got most of his best Ideas after smoking. I heard that after he died, his daughter moved somewhere in Europe, I forget where. She moved because it was legal there and she could have as much as she wanted without fear of prosecution for simply trying to relax. Sorry, I know, information overload. I need to try out for Jeopardy or something.



The Eco Man
I believe your getting off the track. The question is would you vote for making pot legal for medical purposes only not for private use



New member
that would be Amsterdam
You know I can't find it in a quick Google search and I don't want to waste much company time (I am at work right now). I thought that Amsterdam would be the place, but as I recall I was told that was wrong. It wasn't Amsterdam. That being said, I can't find it and there are no gaurantees that where I heard it was 100% right either.

-----Added 10/12/2009 at 11:52:30-----

I believe your getting off the track. The question is would you vote for making pot legal for medical purposes only not for private use
It should be legal for Medical Use. If someone can't use pain killers for whatever reason there should be an alternative. Not to mention that it won't F-up your heart muscles like Oxy will. BTW, this may sound stupid, but I thought it was already legal for medical uses in Maine?



Baxley’s Speed Shop
maybe I should re-word my original question. I would vote yes to legalize pot for personal use, would you? Maybe someone can clarify what question 5 acctually is?



This may sound stupid, but I thought it was already legal for medical uses in Maine?
I thought it was too, but I'm not sure if its officially passed yet or something. Maybe I heard wrong though.



I see a lot if ignorance in this thread-too many people still believe Reagan-era yellow journalism (which started with W.R. Hearst,FYI!) and that's a damn shame.
care to elaborate? seems to me, we are all pretty much on the same page?



New member
I came up with this on Google. Here is the wording as it will appear on the ballot.

"Do you want to change the medical marijuana laws to allow treatment of more medical conditions and to create a regulated system of distribution?"



I'm not ReZPunk
No, I don't feel the need to expand the already overused "medicinal" uses for it, It's still a Schedule II drug that still should be illegal to possess. I don't want to see everyone who just has a headache to go get a prescription of "weed". Legalizing it would not prevent abuse, so leave it be.... So I'm voting No...



New member
I thought it was too, but I'm not sure if its officially passed yet or something. Maybe I heard wrong though.
Basicly medical mj is already legal in maine..Question 5 on the nov 5 ballot would legalize nonprofit medical mj dispensaries,which would be regulated by the dept of human services.
..I KNOW PERSONALY- as a person who's lived in chronic pain [nerve impingment in c-4-7,with cervical radiculopathy]for 10 years so far,if i had the choice to smoke legal pot and be able to take fewer pills im all for it....

-----Added 10/12/2009 at 03

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