Vote "yes" on question 5


New member
I asked a cop what he thought and he said no comment but it is maines largest crop is what he told me

and that marijuana inc or whatever it is is on all the time very interewsting to hear from fedral agaents and law enforcement and how some of there views have changed.



New member
I don't think they (Police, FBI, Border Patrol etc.) want to waste their time either; they are just doing their job. Unless you talk back and act like a smart ass. Even if they don't expect to find anything, if you give them a hard time they will likely be harder on you. Remember, police officers are people too, just doing their job. Also I would like to apologize for my short rants on this subject;
I don't intend to offend anyone.



my vote would be no for many reasons. first i watched a really informative 20/20 report a week ago or so going in depth abotu a town in cali that is well know for growing pot. this isn't some downtown urban enviroment either its a suburb in the country that loooks like a normal town. people were buying homes just to turn them into pot growing facilities. what no one has yet to mention is the crime that will come with it. yes its legal and you can buy it but do you think people will actually want to buy it when they can just steal it? you can buy a car all you want but people still go out and steal them because they cant afford it. the majority of crime comes from lower income brackets and those peopel who struggle every day to feed there families will do one of two options. spend there money on pot instead of food leaving their kids hubgry eveyr nigth so they can get high or they will go out and steal it. bottom line it will creat more crime on the personal use side.

now on the prescription side. anyoen with a truly bad cronic condition can get a prescription for pot now wich i completly agree with. if somone is terminally ill i wont deny them the comfort of feeling better. but if we legalize it or loosen restrictions on it doctors will start prescriping it like viagra. right now doctores know unless the patient is truly in need of it they wont give a prescription otherwise they are at risk of loosing there liscense. all they need is one pharmacist reporting that they are giving out a lot of pot prescriptions and they are done so that keeps things in check now.

lastly bsides easing cronic pain all legalized pot woudl do is increase the amount of brain dead stupid pot heads walking around wich i wouldnt be a fan of. somoen mentioned there are no deaths from pot that's b.s. you think peopel who smoke up never get beghid the wheel of a car and cause accidents and kill people that way? i do not want my wife driving around on the roads with my kids in the car with people smoking up in there car on the way to work and causing an accident . so i will be voting no!!!



wow brain dead stupid pot heads are you serious...

"wait i just drank a 1/5th of vodka dare me to drive" those are lyrics from eminems song. I can go into the store and buy a more potent drug the pot and kill many more people than pot ever will.



Baxley’s Speed Shop
my vote would be no for many reasons. first i watched a really informative 20/20 report a week ago or so going in depth abotu a town in cali that is well know for growing pot. this isn't some downtown urban enviroment either its a suburb in the country that loooks like a normal town. people were buying homes just to turn them into pot growing facilities. what no one has yet to mention is the crime that will come with it. yes its legal and you can buy it but do you think people will actually want to buy it when they can just steal it? you can buy a car all you want but people still go out and steal them because they cant afford it. the majority of crime comes from lower income brackets and those peopel who struggle every day to feed there families will do one of two options. spend there money on pot instead of food leaving their kids hubgry eveyr nigth so they can get high or they will go out and steal it. bottom line it will creat more crime on the personal use side.
now on the prescription side. anyoen with a truly bad cronic condition can get a prescription for pot now wich i completly agree with. if somone is terminally ill i wont deny them the comfort of feeling better. but if we legalize it or loosen restrictions on it doctors will start prescriping it like viagra. right now doctores know unless the patient is truly in need of it they wont give a prescription otherwise they are at risk of loosing there liscense. all they need is one pharmacist reporting that they are giving out a lot of pot prescriptions and they are done so that keeps things in check now.

lastly bsides easing cronic pain all legalized pot woudl do is increase the amount of brain dead stupid pot heads walking around wich i wouldnt be a fan of. somoen mentioned there are no deaths from pot that's b.s. you think peopel who smoke up never get beghid the wheel of a car and cause accidents and kill people that way? i do not want my wife driving around on the roads with my kids in the car with people smoking up in there car on the way to work and causing an accident . so i will be voting no!!!
Is this for real? You make it sound like pot is the same thing as meth. I have never seen pot take over a small town and turn it into a bunch of zombies. If anything it helped the economy with all the cheetos being sold.

Yes driving under the influence of anything is dangerous. Do you drink? Well I dont want alcohol being sold in my town because someone could drink and drive and my wife and kids are on the road.

I still cant wrap my mind around your whole "why would people buy it if they can steal it". With your reasoning wouldnt that apply to everything?



wow brain dead stupid pot heads are you serious...
"wait i just drank a 1/5th of vodka dare me to drive" those are lyrics from eminems song. I can go into the store and buy a more potent drug the pot and kill many more people than pot ever will.
yeah i am serious and also think going out and getting sloshed on alchol is stupid also. just because one stupid substance is legal we shouldnt make all stupid substances legal. besides they wouldnt lower taxes on other things like income or groceries if they got tax revenue from pot. they would just find more ways to spend it on stupid things like the welfare state we have in maine



New member
People use to steal moonshine from each other during the days of prohibition didn't they? If tobacco was illegal and people grew it in their homes people might steal that too. Maybe the reason it is stolen is because it is valuable and it is valuable because it is illegal and is associated with high risk. Given the opportunity, unscrupulous people will steal anything of value to them regardless of what it is. You can't change human nature. On another note, we should not get insulting; we should all be friends here. This thread is starting to go off topic from the question 5 medical thing to the legalize it in general thing and I fear some of my posts may have contributed to it:hb:, for that I apologize. I know I am not a moderator but maybe it is time to close this thread?



I actually watched the article about the town in Cali and it was portraying the point that if the crop was to leave the town, they would all suffer. I know the police chief is disgusted with how many people are involved with such a crop business in his district, but in reality its almost completly supporting the economy. I agree with everyone about driving under the influence is a wrong thing, but at least personally when im on the ganja green i dont act all giggly and cant drive, i actually drive better and it just cools my mind and gives me a great hunger to whip up some damn good food.



Is this for real? You make it sound like pot is the same thing as meth. I have never seen pot take over a small town and turn it into a bunch of zombies. If anything it helped the economy with all the cheetos being sold.

Yes driving under the influence of anything is dangerous. Do you drink? Well I dont want alcohol being sold in my town because someone could drink and drive and my wife and kids are on the road.

I still cant wrap my mind around your whole "why would people buy it if they can steal it". With your reasoning wouldnt that apply to everything?
it wont make a small town into a bunch of zombies but with drugs comes crime period. liek i said in that 20/20 report there were towns in cali were 60 percent of the peopel grew pot in there homes most in large amounts and with that the crime rate when up dramatically. people were breakign into homes left and right because they knew theere was a good chance they had pot in there.

as far as my stealing stament yes it applies to i said people in lower income brackets have trouble paying there every day bills as it is so that's why more peopel in that bracket than any other turn to crime to get the things they cant have wether its cars or drugs or t.v's or clothes. just because its legal it dosent mean it will be cheap and everyone can afford it. many families have had issues with parents who choose to buy a bottle of jack and get drunk rather than buying a toy for there kid and play with them. i can see the same thing happening with pot. yes it happens now when its not legal but why make it easier for that to happen.

ill tell you one thing ill be damned if they pass a health care bill forcing me to pay more every year to insure people who dotn have it now and they are at home smoking up filling there lungs with crap. they better have drug testing it this healthcare goes to single payer option ( wich i pray it wont)

-----Added 10/14/2009 at 10:47:46-----

at least personally when im on the ganja green i dont act all giggly and cant drive, i actually drive better and it just cools my mind and gives me a great hunger to whip up some damn good food.
that statment right there is why i dont want it legel because people actually beleive staments like that. you dont drive better on any type of drug wether its pot boo's or allergy medicine.

as far as the town in cali it was a catch 22 that the town had gotten so out of control with growing pot that they were damned if they kept growing it and damned if they stopped why would we want towns that will be in the gutter no matter wich way they grow??

the only way peopel pot wont be expensive and can be grown liek tobbaco is if the whole country legalizes it wich will never happen. so unless that happens pot will still be worth a lot of money and peopel in maien will be growing it and shipping ti and selling it in other parts of the country were it isn't legal keepign the price high and the likly hood of crime going with it high



New member
like any subject being voted on,people are spewing UNSUBSTANCIATED b.s as truth.:pon:Do your due- dilligence and make an informed desion....



the beautiful thing at least is that we do live in maine which is a hippy loving state and its most likely going to pass. At least we all get to vote and do our own part. Honestly half the reasons why I never post things is because we all pick apart our own believes and thoughts.



New member
the only way peopel pot wont be expensive and can be grown liek tobbaco is if the whole country legalizes it wich will never happen. so unless that happens pot will still be worth a lot of money and peopel in maien will be growing it and shipping ti and selling it in other parts of the country were it isn't legal keepign the price high and the likly hood of crime going with it high
Yes, that's right, and I don't think any state should decide to legalize it against the federal law. Either the whole country should or should not legalize it, but it should be done together. That is how Tobacco and Alchohol have been successfully controlled.



Yes, that's right, and I don't think any state should decide to legalize it against the federal law. Either the whole country should or should not legalize it, but it should be done together. That is how Tobacco and Alchohol have been successfully controlled.
agreed. i think its ass backwards to pass a state law legalizing someting that is still illegal federally. im gonan laugh if this passes and there are a swarn of federal agents in the state makign busts left and right.

we are not pickign apart each other just debating. i love to debate and its healthy to do so to see the other sides argument. so far all i have heard for pro's for legalizing it are 1. hey alchol is legal why not pot 2. people who smoke pot wont cause any harm

so far haven't heard anything to potentially change my mind



New member
agreed. i think its ass backwards to pass a state law legalizing someting that is still illegal federally. im gonan laugh if this passes and there are a swarn of federal agents in the state makign busts left and right.
we are not pickign apart each other just debating. i love to debate and its healthy to do so to see the other sides argument. so far all i have heard for pro's for legalizing it are 1. hey alchol is legal why not pot 2. people who smoke pot wont cause any harm

so far haven't heard anything to potentially change my mind
We the people have already spoke,its the redtape governmental burocracy that's got in the way.that's why we have to go back to the voteing booth again to tweak the language and force the state to listen to its people..Time to let the will of the people prevail...So what if the feds dont agree,a free society is susposed to be self governing,meaning They work for us..States rights supersede the feds....If maine is such a live and let live state whats the problem..mj is already here to stay and making it legal for medical use isn't gonna fill your town with anymore crime then it already has..its a sad state of affairs when its more socialy aceptable to be gay and smoke your buddy then to come out to smoke a joint.Lets everone out of the closet...smoke a joint and relax bro:party:


New member
true that dude!!!

No offense, but before DuPont lobbied to have Hemp illegalized in the first place to limit competition to its petrolium based line of products, it was not illegal to smoke a pipe or roll a dube either. Even if it they were just to legalize hemp, we would open up new potential industries for chemicals and textiles. Not to mention the new tax base. It would also help open up pharmaceutical research. Hemp, MJ and Humans go back a long way. It's been theorized by serious archeologists that it was among the first plants to ever be cultivated by humans for, especially for medicinal purposes. The Romans even used it. BTW if you must know I am often referred to as a plethora of useless information.

-----Added 10/12/2009 at 09:47:39-----

Oh and by the way, I don't buy the argument that it makes you smarter. Only a high teenager who just picked up the habbit would say that (horrible time to pick it up). But I don't buy that it makes you permanently less intelligent either. I have met plenty of engineers, teachers and even met a NASA rocket engineer who all claimed to be everyday smokers. And I know my best teachers is High School always seemed like they were on somethin, heh.


We the people have already spoke,its the redtape governmental burocracy that's got in the way.that's why we have to go back to the voteing booth again to tweak the language and force the state to listen to its people..Time to let the will of the people prevail...So what if the feds dont agree,a free society is susposed to be self governing,meaning They work for us..States rights supersede the feds....If maine is such a live and let live state whats the problem..mj is already here to stay and making it legal for medical use isn't gonna fill your town with anymore crime then it already has..its a sad state of affairs when its more socialy aceptable to be gay and smoke your buddy then to come out to smoke a joint.Lets everone out of the closet...smoke a joint and relax bro:party:
read what i said never had an issue with medical use



New member
read what i said never had an issue with medical use
maybe i misinterpeted your earlier statement about the cnbc or was it the 20/20 documentary you had watched..They were taking about the medical marijuana business wernt they??....All the negitive press about M.J ie;higher crime rate,illeagal drug use,is used as a scare tactic to sway the minds and control the masses ,You- the uninformed voter......most crime/violence comes from the use/abuse of much harsher substances like meth/coke,opium and booze....The aghan war is the new opium war,no?
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Nigel Prodrive

Dirt surfer
anybody who doubts that pot should be legal and does actually help people should talk to my neighbor. he's got terminal liver and colorectal cancer and has been so effing miserable with chemo that he told me he'd rather die from the cancer than go thru any more chemo.

so if a few doctor prescribed joints help him (and lord knows they have) what's the big deal. given his prognosis (docs tellin him any days he lives after thanksgiving/christmas this year will be a gift) wtf is the prob with him having a more mellow outlook on his final days?

guess how I voting on question 5
, I just hope Jerry lives long enough to see the people back him up on this.



ok so i just read over the actuall question 5. all the bill looks to do is increase the amount of pot somone can have from 1 1/4 ounces to 2 1/2 ounces but that's only for a person who has it prescribed for a medical use. it would laos creat a idetification card for people whop need it medically as well as care givers so they they can not be prosecuted for having it.

im all for the idetification cards and think that's a great idea. what im nto for is why would somoen need more than 1 1/4 ounce on them at a time?? i need to look into this more because it also talks abotu expanding what conditions qualify for medical m.j. if somoen can get a headache and go to a doctor and get pot then im still voting no but its its legit conditions i might vote yes

bottom line noen of this has anythign to do with non medical use.
