Is it today? I told my dad that and he thought it was next week ...?

Voted on my way home from work. Before even getting lunch! That's how bad I want a certain question to go through.

Voted on my way home from work. Before even getting lunch! That's how bad I want a certain question to go through.

You were awfully quiet during the Question 5 topic, and with how vocal you are.... hmmmmmm. I don't think it was Question 5. Unless..... you are one that wishes not to speak of your voting, hmmm.

My parents never spoke about what they voted for each year.

i voted no across the board..last year i voted yes across the board. its a pattern i follow.

during presidential years i have a 6 sided die that has red and blue. i roll it in the booth and make my mark.

i sure hope tabor passes!!
Uggggh. How is tabor going to solve anything? Do you even understand what it does?

I dont disagree that we need to get a grip on government spending, but is this the answer? Strangely it hasnt been the answer for the last 3 years. Wonder why its good now.

How is it going to save the municipality anything when they now have to hold a public vote for everything. Do you know what it cost for the town of Turner to hold an ellection? Now picture them doing it 15 times a year to vote on if they wanna fix some potholes on Upper St.

i have an issue with the way Q1 was worded.

i dont mind if gays want to marry. whatever live your life. but we need to set in place some protections for those people of the church or not who would refuse to perform gay weddings because it goes against what they believe.

i can see tons of law suits now, joe blow versus some church - discrimination.

protect those who oppose gay marriage if they choose not to marry someone.

You were awfully quiet during the Question 5 topic, and with how vocal you are.... hmmmmmm. I don't think it was Question 5. Unless..... you are one that wishes not to speak of your voting, hmmm.

My parents never spoke about what they voted for each year.
By the time I saw that thread it was already a mess, and I didn't have much to say in it. Yes on 5 for me. Which brings up and interesting story ... I forgot my shoes (I always go barefoot till it snows, but I didn't have any shoes in my car). So I went in to the town office barefoot, wearing shorts and a t-shirt, and I have long hair ... As I checked yes on 5 I felt like the biggest hippie.

No on 1 is the one I want to go through badly. I have some gay friends who want to get married, LET THEM!

No I'm not usually one to talk about my voting, but WTH, number 5 brought up a good story, so I may as well go all the way ...

i have an issue with the way Q1 was worded.
i dont mind if gays want to marry. whatever live your life. but we need to set in place some protections for those people of the church or not who would refuse to perform gay weddings because it goes against what they believe.

i can see tons of law suits now, joe blow versus some church - discrimination.

protect those who oppose gay marriage if they choose not to marry someone.
Speaking of that, similar story ...

voted yes across the board except for question 5. i sure hope tabor passes!!
Uggggh. How is tabor going to solve anything? Do you even understand what it does?
I dont disagree that we need to get a grip on government spending, but is this the answer? Strangely it hasnt been the answer for the last 3 years. Wonder why its good now.

How is it going to save the municipality anything when they now have to hold a public vote for everything. Do you know what it cost for the town of Turner to hold an ellection? Now picture them doing it 15 times a year to vote on if they wanna fix some potholes on Upper St.
I totally agree Nate on with this one, I really don't think that TABOR is a good idea, personally I think that it would cause more problems than anything. (that is my personal opinion)

For question 1, I have two very good friends that fall into this category and I think that they should be able to legally marry and have a family. (again that is my personal opinion)

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