Random GC stuff for sale


Is the other one that clean?

Are the mounting holes on the rails close enough to Subaru's to be able to use a really sturdy adapter plate, or would new holes need to be drilled in the rails/car?



Subaru Ambassador- AdidaSubarus
I think GClark should get these for his Legacy!!!



New member
Is the other one that clean?Are the mounting holes on the rails close enough to Subaru's to be able to use a really sturdy adapter plate, or would new holes need to be drilled in the rails/car?
Yeahmthe other one's just as nice,they don't have any obvious wear showing anywhere. I tried to get these into my RS on a bored sunday afternoon project,and from what I remember it looked like with a plate you MIGHT get it to work,no guarantees on my part tho,just a little hearsay.


New member
I think GClark should get these for his Legacy!!!
that's what I was thinking! But, as you know, I have lots of other stuff to pay for first. If these are still available in a few weeks, I would defiantly grab them.



New member
sounds good! Bumpin,also,have those Potenza RE92's and depending on how I feel, a set of stock RS six spokes with tires.....really looking to thin out the herd a little



New member
im still interested in the seats, i just need to wait til next paycheck possibly. pm me with more details like location and everything.



New member
Can't even remember it was so long ago,you like? I actually debadged it this summer,might still have 'em kicking around if you want them
