

New member
Spotted a gold Forester of the toxic's vintage in Sanford last night. I think he's on here...
Saw this last weekend down by Burger King in Sanford.

This morning on 236 in Eliot/Kittery, I saw a WRB Blobeye STI with HID's, Maine Breast Cancer Plates, pink fog light covers, and pink side panels on the STI wing.  Followed me on to 95 South, but was going really slow and lagged behind, so I couldn't wave... 



2005 LGT's suck.
Blacked-out grey 4th Gen. LGT drove by me today in the opposite lane on Hogan Rd. in Bangor around noon. Thing sounded like it was taking off from the runway.
I knew someone had posted about this earlier, he gave me a thumbs up and a rev on the interstate last thursday (2/21). Nice sounding car!



New member
Spotted nigel and his new snow ball at mcdonalds in rockland today! and saw a pick up with team o neil stickers on the back!



Active member
Exhachanged late wave with a lowered, gold Forester this morning. Had seen it at the Red Robin meet, but I don't remember who you were.

Also saw Widowmaker going SB on 295.

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New member
Over Mikey's yesterday, saw Dave's sweet 1st gen leggy and JoeBalz leggy. Sweet looking cars gents. Joe I love those gauges in the useless cubby for our cars

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2005 LGT's suck.
Over Mikey's yesterday, saw Dave's sweet 1st gen leggy and JoeBalz leggy. Sweet looking cars gents. Joe I love those gauges in the useless cubby for our cars Sent from my SAMSUNG-Note 2 using Tapatalk 2
Thanks man! It's a pretty easy install. Just feel like a ricer with the not working A/F gauge. I'd love to see your leggy at some point. I have a place on Sebago so I spend a lot of my summer in that area. Might have to do a Mainely Subarus bbq sometime this summer...



2005 legacy
Been seeing a lowered silver fxt with hids in westbrook near Rowe Ford and in gorham near hannaford. Anybody on here.



New member
Been exchanging waves and head nods a couple times this week with Nate in Alfred.  
