Ty Ty fail

Ty Ty

New member

Yesterday, drill bit broke, drilled what was left of it into my thumb. Drilled a hole right through my thumb bone and vented myself of some marrow. Accident prone ftl.


Ty Ty

New member
That's what rallyguy24 said when he noticed what I did...but my system went into shock pretty quickly and it didn't really hurt for a minute or so. I put the drill into reverse and backed it out and we both just kind stared at it for a bit. Then I walked around for a bit spewing obscenities, and thenI got really dizzy and my vision whited out, so we went next door to see what my Uncle thought aboot it. 45 minutes later, I was in the brighton ave maine med place waiting room. I sat there bleeding in the waiting room for a couple hours, heh. Free care, while nice because it's free, also means you better not be in any sort of hurry, haha.

Although, my follow up with the bone specialist tomorrow is not covered under the free care. *facepalm* Luckily they have $10/mo. payment plans...going to be paying that off for the next few years. Next week begins an urgent job search with health insurance. My current situation just doesn't work...*sigh*.



New member
did something similar a few weeks back when my grinder slipped from my hands and decided to grind a hole into my knuckle on my left index finger. i was lucky i didnt grind away the tendon in the knuckle. man that sucked.

worst part was the nurse made ME scrub it out with the cleaner brush!!!

hope you get better soon ty. 2 months untill NEFR


Ty Ty

New member
Sorry for OT, but where do you get free care these days?

At the sketchy maine med place on brighton ave. Right near The Udder Place coffee shop. Their first care thing. Had to fill out a bunch of paperwork and be approved and whatnot.


Ty Ty

New member
Powertools and I don't really get along well.

Went to see the specialist, my thumb isn't too bad. Says I should be able to bend it and whatnot in a couple weeks in theory. But, the xray did reveal that I have a tumor in my thumb in the bone, haha. If it's not one thing...it's another.



New member
But, the xray did reveal that I have a tumor in my thumb in the bone, haha.
Jeez, dude. Maybe it's a good thing that you went all "aerate" on yourself. I wonder how long it would have gone w/o detection otherwise?


Ty Ty

New member
Eh, he said in maybe 10 years or so there would be a decent bump there. He wants to xray it again in 6 months to look at it.



New member
So, lets think of some cool nick names.

Power Emo

Black & Decker


" Its not a tumah, its a power tool accident."

Ty "that's gonna hurt" Ty.

Busted Bit

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