***Suggestion Box***

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<1.8 liter
I suppose it is me who would ask:

Old school thread? I mean pre legacy, all the EA series boxers, 360s 2 cyls etc.

Nasioc has one, a popular place called "usmb" has quite a busy section of these. As I have travelled a lot, maine seems to be the most popular ever for the old school rusted trusted subes to keep gaining inspections for another year.

A hunch that a simple thread works is that I found an engine just by asking, but it needed a place to look, like a "wanted to buy" thread, etc. The response was months later, but it did work.

HUH, I thought this suggestion box thread was a sticky...oh well. I has seeing if it makes any sense to have a " bargain for sale sticky" for items found at other places not being sold by members here but would be helpful for some looking..???

HUH, I thought this suggestion box thread was a sticky...oh well. I has seeing if it makes any sense to have a " bargain for sale sticky" for items found at other places not being sold by members here but would be helpful for some looking..???
the craigslist thread is kind of that. this was a sticky but was getting ignored up there haha. people have been posting about things they find on nasioc and other places too

Not a huge deal but... I entered some mods for approvment a little while ago and they got on the main list, but when you go to put in the name of the product in the little window, its not there.

Not a huge deal but... I entered some mods for approvment a little while ago and they got on the main list, but when you go to put in the name of the product in the little window, its not there.

yah we have the garage set up so that when you add stuff, they have to be approved by a mod or admin.

Can you add a option so you can turn on and off the swear filter for a specific account?
Doesn't work like that.

Not a huge deal but... I entered some mods for approvment a little while ago and they got on the main list, but when you go to put in the name of the product in the little window, its not there.
Been approved.

Mr Carter how about we start a sticky entitled Comparisons Graphs. When anyone post anything car related that compairs cars or anything car related in a graph no matter what forum it gets copied to this sticky. Like nategr8ns radar dector graph.

That would be kind of cluttered though... Tons of graphs about everything?


we need a "view first unread post" button at the top of each thread while you're reading it. Just like the ones shown as "
" check box thingies. You know, "goto=newpost" and all that jazz.

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That would be kind of cluttered though... Tons of graphs about everything?

we need a "view first unread post" button at the top of each thread while you're reading it. Just like the ones shown as "
" check box thingies. You know, "goto=newpost" and all that jazz.
That would be a vBulletin built in thing....You would have to suggest that to Jelsoft. Maybe in VB 4 they will have something....

Is there any legal stuff stopping you from editing the VB software?

I know other websites that use VB and have this feature.

97823523 can probably code it easily.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding you..Are you saying at the top of THIS page in THIS thread you want to see a button so you dont have to scroll?

I'm not sure what you are getting at either... When I get email replies to a thread, and I click on the link in the email, it brings me to the oldest post I haven't seen yet... So if 3 people replied since I last saw the thread, it brings me to the first of those 3 so I'm not stuck reading posts I have already read.

So, if that is what you are getting at, this forum already has it

If you look in your User CP, you get your subscribed threads with new posts. To the left of the title of the thread, there's a little box that links you to the first new post. I know it's possible to have this same link within every thread.

Overclock.net has it on VB.

If you look in your User CP, you get your subscribed threads with new posts. To the left of the title of the thread, there's a little box that links you to the first new post. I know it's possible to have this same link within every thread.
Overclock.net has it on VB.
Seeing that I'm not a member on there, I still don't really get it... oh well...

And my computer is overclocked and water cooled like nobodies business, and I didn't need any stinkin' forum to figure it out

It's a general tech related forum, but overclock.net was a catchy name

<-overclocked, but water cooling is too much money for not enough gain.

It's a general tech related forum, but overclock.net was a catchy name
.<-overclocked, but water cooling is too much money for not enough gain.
My system cost like $10

I signed up over there and I see what you mean. They are using the standard VB layout with heavily heavily modified templates. I can add something like that, if we didnt have a custom layout. They took the "header" of the thread removed the title and added a bunch of things. Our "thread header" is an image, with the thread title. I am not going to custom code our "thead" when you can do the same thing right from the main forum.

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