Yeah, gonna bite the bullet big time. I dont have any intrest in buying a used one, and plan on driving this car untill its rotted in half and wont take another sticker so ill suck it up.

However, once this thing is paid off (hopefully the end of the year) im gonna be looking for a new daily in 2.2 flavor. 21mpg at 4.20 a gallon is really putting a damper on things. This will be the fun car afterwards.

Yea man. You'd never have to worry about blowing it up again and drivetrain wise you're set for power upgrades.

A new 5spd is 4k at evergreen, havnt done much more pricing around yet though. But where can i find a 6spd for less than 2500!? Id really prefer brand new. Just because I KNOW how many miles are on it, its never been abused, grindin gears, fluid n.ever changed.. So on so forth

So if i buy a 6speed and a r160, my driveshaft and axles will fit? that's not what ive read, but what i read was on nasioc i think..

Hm. Ill have to do more research, but it seems like its going to be too many odds and ends to gather, and too many parts to buy for me right now.

New axles/possibly hubs

New driveshaft

Downpipe support bracket

Sti clutch & master cylinder


Meh. Its something ill have to do some serious thinking about, probably just end up with a 5 speed. I personally love the gearing and how it feels

I found my 6 speed swap for just over 4k and it included the trans,rear diff,DCCD buttons,axles,rear sub-frame,Brembos, and rotors with decent pads. Look on Nasioc and other more Local forums, deals are out there. I would not expect a new 5 speed to be any more reliable or beefy than a used 6 speed. They are built very well for the purpose of handling lots of power and abuse.

Yeah 4k for another 5spd is crazy. And absolutely no need to buy a brand new 6spd. Do some shopping.

Like I said, its something ill have to really ponder. I do NOT like buying used parts, especially crucial/expensive parts that are a pain in the ass and wallet to replace in a month because the seller lied about condition/miles whatever. that's just me.

4k for a band new transmission is (essentially) fine in my book, i know its gonna last close to 1/4 million miles and i dont plan on making the power these start to blow at.

Ill do some more googlin though for sure

ive installed probably 5 use 6 speeds bought on ebay and nasioc. no issues at all. you will need:


clutch slave cyl


clutch fork


3.90 or 3.54 rear diff depending on year of trans, both are easy and cheap to find in r160 form

dccd pro controller

downpipe bracket.

that's it. bolt in and go.

get on nasioc and ebay and look around, expect to pay about 3k shipped. this is 100% the route i would go if it was me. you think you like your 5spd gearing? wait till you drive a 6spd...

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