The life, death, and ressurection of a king.

Awesome news. Really glad it's finally all wrapped up!! Looking forward to seeing pics!! So how do you like it?

Awesome news. Really glad it's finally all wrapped up!! Looking forward to seeing pics!! So how do you like it?
I like it. Car is tons of fun on the street. Haven't really gotten the chance to beat on it yet though.

First is getting close to useless, I mean it's there and deep and great, but damn you hit the red on the motor fast.

Tomorrow I've got some cleanup to do on it. If I get time I want to do a pavement test track run with my summer tires, then a dirt test track run on my new dirt tires.....

Speaking of new dirt tires.....

On Wednesday I took a trip up to Augusta to have some beers with Mike (HR Radness) and Antonio. Talked some serious motorsports, not nasioc/mt dew motorsports like the rest of the Subaru world does.

Oh yeah while I was in Augusta I bought these:




So how are you liking it?!
First real drive of it was last night to the meet and the back.

I've got some local roads I call "the test tracks". Got my dirt config, pavement short, and pavement long. 100% no speeding of course.

I hit the dirt one both coming to and from the meet, and on the way home I hit pavement long since I like playing at night with my lights.

Holeeeyyy sheeeeeeeeetttttt. The car gearing gives it a ton more nuts. I really wish I could get graphs or #s to compare the differences mathematically.

On dirt, the setup is tight. The bushings really make the car feel a ton more connected. The throttle input is much more precise now that my driveline isn't flopping around. Since the rear lat links are in, I notice the car is stiffer in the back which I like. The good, ton more power to spin the wheels when I want to. The bad, since I couldn't power out of turns as easily, I managed to improve my technique quite a bit, while I still use said techniques, I can just get lazy and power out of turns if I want.

On pavement, tons of torque. On snows in the rain last night, I was drifting intersections like an DONKEY. The handling feels better with the bushings, but I need sticky tires to really test it. The alignment EG did sucked because they didn't max my front camber, but the back is now within spec and not retarded like it was on my earlier test drives. I plan to get an ALK anyways, so I'll fix my camber then.

Overall, the RS is like that girl you dated for a long time. You've been together forever, she's not as pretty as she used to be, but you're still together. You fight about stupid raisin all the time and hate each other, but you can't stand to break up.

Took the car to Evergreen to get an oil filter for an oil change. Also went and got some gas.

The car is AWESOME for ripping around town. So much torque and it rockets off the line. It seriously felt like I was in the LGT again. I also think the FXT flywheel is heavier than my NA original one. I didn't compare the two when I had them out, but the car seems to spin up slowly as if it were heavier....

Candice at Evergreen was also disappointed I was only getting an oil filter after my recent spree of buying random DONKEY parts and me leaning across the parts counter to point at the diagrams on the computer.

Got the car home. Put on the summer tires. Did an oil change. Put the skid plate on. And ripped out easy big interior pieces. Plus packed for.....



Technically the re-gearing of the car puts me in the Modified 4wd class for rallyx, so I can basically do what ever I want. So I pulled the rear seats. Was going to pull the rear belts but I got lazy and my air compressor is messed up. Rather than empty my glove box, I just removed that too.


Carpet, spare, space savor jack all removed to make room for.....




While I was moving stuff around and swapping tires, I moved my winter tires and 6 spokes to the shed. I have four sets of wheels/tires for this car. I think I have a problem.

Here's a bonus cat picture:


Who says you need air tools?! Pulled my engine, and countless other jobs with out air......

Car is lookin' good! And you're making me excited to jump into fxt tranny swap hell

How much heavier are those wheels/tires than the stock? How does it drive with them on?
Haven't checked. Didn't really notice.

The gearing had no issue spinning them up on the start-line, so I didn't really care.

First time I've ever driven the car on gravels, and minimal seat time on the new upgraded everything setup. Was interesting. I beat the two guys who DNF'd in M4! Seriously though, the car is overbuilt and I'm still figuring out how to drive it. I'm fine on dirt roads, which the gravel surface at the rallyx mimicked, but the soft sod stuff I was just floundering around.


I put the rear seats, trunk liner, and glove box back in today. I also started working on my front end mods...

While I was working GClark was textin' me. He brought up the point of interiors were rice... Which while silly, and reflects upon my jabbing at his taste, has some merit in it.

I pulled the rear seats because it was instant weight loss at the cost of undoing 6 bolts. Not a bad deal if it can make your turd lighter and shave a few tenths of a seconds off of race times. The problem is, all that interior crap gone out of the back end of the car makes it noisier. With 140 tread wear summer tires, that's a lot of road grime being flung against the unibody that you have to listen to. Since I'm going to Bangor for Wednesdays meet... Yeah, I want a nice quiet car. This brings up the concept of..........


Last year when I was a senior in college and my sister was a freshmen, I found myself making this drive:


(yes Bryan, I know I take 46 instead of buxport, I took the screen shot and didn't want to take another damn it)

Granted I managed to take different routes and shave googles estimate of 3 hours and 21 minutes down to under three hours. But damn. Three hours in a car, a base model POS Subaru, it's a long ass time. Along with this drive, I had to make a few other 4 hour out of state drives a little while back, but that's old history at this point :|

My car has always been a lemon. It has a lot of little things wrong with it. I've said it before in this thread, but damn it I'm getting senile, so I'm saying it again. The car is like the girl you've been with a long ass time. She's not as pretty as she used to be, you're realizing shes a little bit crazy like her mother, a few years into the relationship she has catastrophic meltdowns and is finicky about solving them. After all that raisin, you still love her. That's this car.

SO, while I should have damned this eternal steaming pile of raisin to the crusher YEARS ago, I'm still putting time and money into it, because unlike a piece of raisin daewoo, camry, cavalier, the impreza platform is actually worth two shits.

But back to the car being a lemon. One of them being is bad seals. The drivers side window has a bad leak that makes noise at highway speed. The windshield also has a leak near the driver, but it isn't bad at all. I shimmed out the drivers side window seal with some pennies to solve the issue. BUT, this something to note. When I started adding mounts and bushings, along with my SHOT stock seats, it soon became apparent that driver fatigue was a pretty big issue. Especially when sis forgets something 45 minutes into a trip and I have to turn around turning a 3 hour drive into a 4.5 hour drive. :|

One major thing, I have a VERY bad back. A family history of back issues, I'm the third generation I know of. My father has had multiple back surgeries and has about 6 inches of medical grade metal grafted to his spine (sets off airport security woops). My sister managed to have some disk issues due to her overworking at school. I've been lucky and know when to call it quits to preserve whats left of my back, but damn some days it's tough. Those long long ass trips on my stock seats SUCKED. There was no lumbar support on them, almost as if some fat dude crushed the seat padding all in. I sniped some leather RS seats from Ray this summer, and while the bolstering isn't as good as the 02 seats, the lumbar support is existent, and actually pretty good, which has helped my back. I'll be throwing a heated seat kit in and that'll solve that issue completely.

Less damping in the car and longer trips results in me being more fatigued. Thankfully the new bushing setup isn't outright noisey or terrible, fine for commuting, but on long trips there is a bit more driver fatigue. People overlook NVH and fatigue.

This brings us to the crossroad of what to do with this car. I'm classed out in most racing competitions, thanks to the regear. Autocross is SM, which means I can do all sorts of stupid raisin to the car like gut it. While I don't really want to, the problem is, other people can; keeping up with the jones'. Rallycross? M4, again, the super modified do w/e you want class (I also suck at rallycross, I'm unlearning the harmful autox stuff and learning the loose surface techniques, but I wont be competitive for a long time). The rallyx stuff learning to drive better comes before gutting the car to squeeze those 1/100ths of secounds out. Hillclimbs, I'm pretty sure I'm SP, which is similar to the others. I haven't read the rule book enough to be 100% though. All of these have the same thing in common, mod your car like nuts to go fast. Problem is, modifications allowed in this class negatively impact the daily driving and long distance driving of a car, often creating a noisy, buzzy, rattly car. So what do you do, DD the car gutted like abenson, or suck it up and run 'er as is. Dynomat the car and enjoy my extra comfy-ness. (rhetorical questions)

Today while putting the big interior pieces back in I realized. Wait a minute, if it takes 6 bolts to take the back seat setup out, and it's no big deal for race day... Why don't I put sound deadening on the removable pieces... Duh, long drives + DD duties I'll have the seats in (unless I'm driving to racing stuff), and the extra weight I add will come out anyways on race day. Everyone wins.

Sounds like a good compromise until I someday get another creampuff wagon DD and the RS gets delegated to race day trailer slut status.

Here's todays bonus cat picture, he's in a basket!


I feel like a jerk for not keeping up with this thread...

You're going to have to explain to me all the bushing work you did sometime. I still want to get some new ones in the car and your recommendation of Turn In Concepts is where I am going. I know that you did the lateral links and rear trailing arms as well as the kartboy shifter "kit" in addition to the Clunk Killer set for the outrigger bushings and the rear differential. PM me to discuss when you have the time...
